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41 - 60 von 80 Datensätzen

ÖKS15 present day climate indices for temperatre, precipitation, and global radiation.

Climate change signal of Absolute and relative climate change signal for near future (2021-2050 -- 1971-2000) and far future (2071-2100 -- 1971-2000) for scenarios RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 for the variables: heating degree days cooling degree days start...

13 models of the EURO-CORDEX ensemble have been bias corrected by means of the scaled distribution mapping (SDM), (Switanek et al., 2017, doi.org/10.5194/hess-21-2649-2017) method using observational data for the historical period and future...

30 year mean of Climate Indices for global radiation, temperature, sunshine duration, precipitation.

Based on the Agricultural Soil Survey and the Austrian Forest Soil Survey a map of soil organic stocks to a depth of 30 cm was created. The map was the Austrian contribution to the FAO Global Soil Organic Carbon Map project. Data were provided by...

Honey Bee Colony Mortality Analysis Data Processed weather indicator Dataset contains 2D fields of selected years and climatological averages of the weather indicators dataset found in the same project group, and topographic data for Austria on...

Simulation with snow-cover model SNOWGRID-CL. Historical and future projections under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios. Variables: -Surface runoff of current timestep resulting from snowmelt and rain -Daily snow water equivalent of...

Info Climate indicator The underlying variables for this climate index are Tmin and Tmax Historical and future projection under the RCP2.6. RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios. Variable: Daily snowmaking hours Webpage: https://fuse-at.ccca.ac.at

Variable: Climate change signal characterized through the total number of summer days (days where maximum air temperature reaches at least 25 °C), hot days (days where maximum air temperature reaches at least 30 °C) and desert days (days where...

Latitude and longitude on the WGS 1984 datum

Daily regridded scenario data (RPC 2.5, RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5) of the used CORDEX models for maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean relative humidity, total precipitation, global radiation, mean 10-m wind. The data has been regridded to a...

Daily regridded historical data of the used CORDEX models for maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean relative humidity, total precipitation, global radiation, mean 10-m wind. The data has been regridded to a regular lat-lon grid. Data for...

For bias correction a merged observational grid has been created using the best resources available. For global radiation the primary source is CARPATCLIM gridded observational dataset (Szalai et al., 2013 (www.carpatclim-eu.org); European...

ClimaProof bias corrected (scaled distribution mapping) data of selected CORDEX models for daily minimum near-surface air temperature, daily maximum near-surface air temperature, total daily precipitation, daily global radiation, daily mean 10-m...

In addition to bias-corrected climate scenarios, a number of climate indicators have been calculated in the ClimaProof project for the scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5. They represent critical events for infrastructure and were designed...

In addition to bias-corrected climate scenarios, a number of climate indicators have been developed in the ClimaProof project. They represent critical events for infrastructure and were designed together with experts from the relevant fields such...

This data set provides all tools created during the ClimaProof project and their documentations.

Ensemble median of the indicators from 1981-2100 calculated from 14 rcp45 and rcp85 OEKS15 climate models Calculated indicators: Combined Heat Days and Tropical Nights: Number of days with daily minimum temperature above 20 degC and daily maximum...

CLIMAMAP - "Climate Change Impact Maps for Austrian Regions". Strategies for climate change adaptation exist on different levels. CLIMAMAP aims at filling this gap by designing climate change impact maps (incl. communication of uncertainties)....

In CLIMA-MAP wird Kartenmaterial entwickelt, mit welchem mögliche Auswirkungen klimatischer Veränderungen auf geographische und soziale Aspekte in Regionen dargestellt werden. Diese Karten werden gemeinsam mit VertreterInnen ausgewählter...