
Spatio-seasonal risk assessment of upward lightning at tall objects using meteorological reanalysis data



Although rare, upward lightning poses a threat to wind turbines in particular, as the long-duration current of upward lightning can cause significant damage. Current risk assessment methods overlook the impact of meteorological conditions, potentially underestimating upward lightning risks. Therefore, the underlying study uses random forests, a machine learning technique, to analyze the relationship between upward lightning measured at Gaisberg Tower (Austria) and 35 larger-scale meteorological variables. Of these, larger-scale upward velocity, wind speed and direction at 10 meters, and cloud physics variables contribute the most information. Strong near-surface winds combined with upward deflection by elevated terrain increase the risk of upward lightning. The diurnal cycle of upward lightning risk as well as high-risk areas shift seasonally. They are concentrated north/northeast of the Alps in winter due to prevailing northerly winds, and expand southward to affect northern Italy in the transition and summer months. The model performs best in winter, with the highest predicted upward lightning risk coinciding with observed peaks in measured lightning at tall objects. The highest concentration is north of the Alps, where most wind turbines are located, leading to an increase in overall lightning activity. Comprehensive meteorological information is essential for assessing upward lightning risk, as lightning densities are a poor indicator of lightning at tall objects. To read the underlying study: https://doi.org/10.22541/essoar.171322767.78278045/v1

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GeoSphere Austria
CCCA Data Centre
Isabell Stucke ORCID (UIBK ROR )
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
09.07.2024 07:18 UTC
01.01.2021 00:00 UTC
31.12.2023 00:00 UTC
Räumliche Auflösung: 1 km
Bounding Box: 45 - 50 °N, 17 - 8 °E
Upward lightning risk is modeled as the median hours during which upward lightning at tall structures (>= 100 m) exceeds 50% averaged over the time period considered. The upward lightning risk is calculated over the Eastern Alps and its surroundings at hourly and 1 km2 resolution. For this purpose, 35 meteorological variables either derived or directly available from the ERA5 dataset are combined with ground-truth lightning current measurements at the Gaisberg Tower (2000-2015 and 2020-2023, Austria) to account for all types of upward lightning, and additionally at the Saentis Tower (2010-2017, Switzerland), which misses upward lightning not detected by the local lightning detection system. The tool to combine both datasets are 10 different random forests built on equal sized samples containing no upward lightning hours and upward lightning hours at the towers. Because of the equal sample sizes, the resulting risk is called conditional. The models are then applied to the study area (45◦N - 50◦N and 8◦E -17◦E). The results are the median of the 10 different random forests. The risk is expressed in counted hours exceeding a conditional probability of 0.5 within the grid cell. Seasonal, annual, and monthly risks are calculated for the period 2021 to 2023, distinguishing between models that include only lightning that can be detected by the local lightning detection system and models that include all types of upward lightning.