

Hier finden Sie alle verfügbaren Datensätze.

21 - 40 von 80 Datensätzen

Risks from IMportant insect PESTs (RIMPEST) assessed the effect of climate change on the potential risks of ten major insect pests of the most important crops in Austria and related adaptation options. RIMPEST-3 Observed phenological events in DOY...

Risks from IMportant insect PESTs (RIMPEST) assessed the effect of climate change on the potential risks of ten major insect pests of the most important crops in Austria and related adaptation options. RIMPEST-2 Pest monitoring data Observed first...

Risks from IMportant insect PESTs (RIMPEST) assessed the effect of climate change on the potential risks of ten major insect pests of the most important crops in Austria and related adaptation options. RIMPEST-1 Pest monitoring data Observed...

Factsheets der Lernwerkstatt Klimawandelanpassung dienen der Ausbildung von BeraterInnen für Gemeinden zum Thema Klimawandelanpassung. Wichtige Informationen zum Klimawandel und zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel für Gemeinden in einer Sammlung...

Mean annual number of summer days (daily 2 m maximum temperature equal or above 25°C) for Linz and surrounding area between 1971 and 2000 using urban climate simulations carried out with the model MUKLIMO_3 (Sievers, 2016) and applying a...

Here we publish data of selected volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds measured during a field campaign in 2016 in Hyytiälä, Finland, with the PTR3 mass spectrometer. Additionally we provide wind data measured by a sonic anemometer close to...

Radio occultation observations gridded to daily 2.5°x2.5° fields by a Gaussian weighted average over ±2 days and 15°x5° longitude-latitude, based on radio occultation profile data version OPSv5.6.2. A detailed description of this data is given in...


This dataset contains information on 749 mass movements (out of which 632 are rockfalls) that were identified during a six-year (2011-2017) terrestrial laserscanning monitoring at the Kitzsteinhorn, Hohe Tauern Range, Austria. The data documents...

Study region: Catchments: Wölzerbach, Raab; Styria; Austria. Study focus: The study was carried out to investigate the fitness for purpose of the high-resolution Austrian National Climate datasets (ÖKS15) in hydrological applications. Provided as...

Variable: Daily mean wind speed in 10m height Bias corrected data of the EURO-CORDEX models MOHC-HadGEM2-ES_rcp85_r1i1p1_CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17,IPSL-IPSL-CM5A-MR_rcp85_r1i1p1_IPSL-INERIS-WRF331F,ICHEC-EC-EARTH_rcp85_r1i1p1_KNMI-RACMO22Eusing analysis...

For the modelling of electricity production and demand, meteorological conditions are becoming more relevant due to the increasing contribution from renewable electricity production. But the requirements on meteorological data sets for electricity...

Although rare, upward lightning poses a threat to wind turbines in particular, as the long-duration current of upward lightning can cause significant damage. Current risk assessment methods overlook the impact of meteorological conditions,...

Additional models of the EURO-CORDEX ensemble have been bias corrected to expand the existing ÖKS15 models using the same methods (Bias corrected scaled distribution mapping) and data of the EURO-CORDEX model. The data have been corrected by means...

These climatological reference data are available via the GeoSphere Austria Data Hub freely accessible. The Guideline is intended to increase the resilience and robustness of these data packages. In addition, it provides general information on...

Additional reanalysis-driven (ERA-Interim) models of the EURO-CORDEX ensemble have been bias corrected to expand the existing ÖKS15 models using the same methods (Bias corrected scaled distribution mapping) using data of EURO-CORDEX models. The...

Additional models of the ENSEMBLES dataset have been bias corrected to expand the existing ÖKS15 models using the same methods (Bias corrected scaled distribution mapping) with data of the ENSEMBLES models Historical and future projection under...

Timeseries of global radiation, precipitation, and temperature related climate indices (see below) from 1971-2100 of 13 bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX models (including the fitted median) evaluated on the Austrian federal territory and the Austrian...

Die Klimaanalyse im Rahmen von ÖKS 15der einzelnen Bundesländer liegt in Form von hochwertigen Factsheets vor, die auf Anforderung auch für jede Gemeinde bereitgestellt werden kann. Dieses factsheet umfasst das Bundesland Wien.

Der Klimawandel wirkt sich in vielen Bereichen durch geänderte Umweltbedingungen aus. Diese Änderungen sind regional und jahreszeitlich unterschiedlich und wirken sich auf die Gesellschaft und die Umwelt in unterschiedlicher Weise aus. Um eine...