
Supporting the Austrian Research Community in using recent Climate change Projections for Climate Impact Studies.

Fotocredit: (c) Fig. 8 from Starc Impact Guideline
1 - 4 von 4 Datensätzen

Additional models of the EURO-CORDEX ensemble have been bias corrected to expand the existing ÖKS15 models using the same methods (Bias corrected scaled distribution mapping) and data of the EURO-CORDEX model. The data have been corrected by means...

These climatological reference data are available via the GeoSphere Austria Data Hub freely accessible. The Guideline is intended to increase the resilience and robustness of these data packages. In addition, it provides general information on...

Additional reanalysis-driven (ERA-Interim) models of the EURO-CORDEX ensemble have been bias corrected to expand the existing ÖKS15 models using the same methods (Bias corrected scaled distribution mapping) using data of EURO-CORDEX models. The...

Additional models of the ENSEMBLES dataset have been bias corrected to expand the existing ÖKS15 models using the same methods (Bias corrected scaled distribution mapping) with data of the ENSEMBLES models Historical and future projection under...