CLIMAMAP - Climate Change Impact Maps for Austrian Regions Strategies for climate change adaptation exist on different levels.

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Ensemble median of the indicators from 1981-2100 calculated from 14 rcp45 and rcp85 OEKS15 climate models Calculated indicators: Combined Heat Days and Tropical Nights: Number of days with daily minimum temperature above 20 degC and daily maximum...

CLIMAMAP - "Climate Change Impact Maps for Austrian Regions". Strategies for climate change adaptation exist on different levels. CLIMAMAP aims at filling this gap by designing climate change impact maps (incl. communication of uncertainties)....

In CLIMA-MAP wird Kartenmaterial entwickelt, mit welchem mögliche Auswirkungen klimatischer Veränderungen auf geographische und soziale Aspekte in Regionen dargestellt werden. Diese Karten werden gemeinsam mit VertreterInnen ausgewählter...

CLIMA-MAP - Climate Change Impact Maps for Austrian Regions Strategies for climate change adaptation exist on different levels. CLIMA-MAP aims at filling this gap by designing climate change impact maps (incl. communication of uncertainties)....