
CLIMA-MAP Climate Indizes: Karten



CLIMA-MAP - Climate Change Impact Maps for Austrian Regions

Strategies for climate change adaptation exist on different levels. CLIMA-MAP aims at filling this gap by designing climate change impact maps (incl. communication of uncertainties). These preliminary maps from the ongoing project support municipalities in understanding climate change impacts, in building capacities and in implementing adaptation measures. Co-developing the impact maps with the end-users ensures that information needs of municipalities are met.
These preliminary maps from the ongoing project support municipalities in understanding climate change impacts, in building capacities and in implementing adaptation measures.
Potential changes will be made upon necessity.
The project is funded by the Klima- und Energiefonds in the frame of the Austrian Climate Change Programm (https://clima-map.com).

Karte 1: Beobachtung und ferne Zukunft

Diese Karte zeigt den jeweiligen Klimaindikator für das Bundesland Der Beobachtungszeitrum (1981-2010) wird mit der fernen Zukunft (2071-2100) unter RCP8.5 verglichen.

Karte 2: Szenarien

Es werden drei Zeiträume (2016-2045, 2036-2065, 2071-2100) unter zwei Emissionsszenarien (RCP4.5 und RCP8.5) dargestellt.

Karte 3: Grad der Gewissheit

Diese Karte zeigt den Grad der Gewissheit des jeweiligen Indikators für das jeweilige Bundesland jeweils für drei Zeiträume (2016-2045, 2036-2065, 2071-2100) und zwei Emissionsszenarien (RCP4.5 und RCP8.5).

Diesem Datensatz sind keine Keywords zugeordnet


GeoSphere Austria
CCCA Data Centre
Benedikt Becsi (BOKU ROR )
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0
19.12.2024 11:52 UTC
Bounding Box: 46.374817 - 49.017044 °N, 9.533724 - 17.162361 °E
The data contained in this dataset was first published through the Climate Change Centre Austria Data Centre (CCCA-DC). Due to the decommissioning of the CCCA-DC, the data was transferred to the GeoSphere Austria Datahub in 2024. During the transfer, the granularity and structure of the metadata were adjusted in accordance with the dataset's authors to meet the requirements of the GeoSphere Austria Datahub. The data itself remained unchanged. For further inquiries, please contact datenzentrum@ccca.ac.at.