Ensemble median of the indicators from 1981-2100 calculated from 14 rcp45 and rcp85 OEKS15 climate models
Calculated indicators: Combined Heat Days and Tropical Nights: Number of days with daily minimum temperature above 20 degC and daily maximum temperature above 30 degC. Time resolution: Monthly Cooling Degree Days: Sum of degree days with daily mean near-surface air temperature above 18.3 degC. Scenario: rcp85. Time resolution: Monthly Freeze-Thaw-Days: Number of days with daily minimum temperature below -2.2 degC and daily maximum temperature above 0 degC. Time resolution: Monthly Heat Days: Number of days with daily maximum temperature above 30 degC. Time resolution: Monthly Heating Degree Days: Sum of degree days with daily mean near-surface air temperature below 12.0 degC, assuming desired room temperature of 20.0 degC. Time resolution: Monthly Heavy Precipitation Days:Number of days with daily precipitation amount equal or higher than 10 mm; Number of days with daily precipitation amount equal or higher than 20 mm. Time resolution: Monthly Meteorological Water Balance: Difference of precipitation amount and potential evapotranspiration. Time resolution: Monthly Potential Evapotranspiration: Potential evapotranspiration calculated with the Hargreaves method (Hargreaves and Samani 1982, see https://www.repository.utl.pt/bitstream/10400.5/4250/1/REP-J.L.Teixeira-InTech-Hargreaves_and_other_reduced_set_methods_for_calculating_evapotranspiration.pdf). The standard coefficient of the formula has been replaced with a scaling factor derived from the difference between Hargreaves-based estimations and observation data. Time resolution: Monthly Precipitation Sum: Sum of daily precipitation amounts.Time resolution: Monthly Summer Days: Number of days with daily maximum temperature above 25 degC. Time resolution: Monthly Tropical Nights: Number of days with daily minimum temperature above 20 degC. Time resolution: Monthly Vegetation Period: Number of days between the first sequence of five days with daily mean air temperature above 5 degC and the last sequence of five days with daily mean air temperature above 5 degC in the year. Time resolution: Annual Warm Days in February and March: Number of days in February and March with daily maximum air temperature equal or above 10 degC. Time resolution: Annual Wet Days: Number of days with daily precipitation amount equal or higher than 1 mm. Time resolution: Monthly Beach Days: Number of days with daily maximum temperature above 23 degC and daily maximum sunshine duration longer than 9 hours. Time resolution: Monthly Precipitation Intensity: 99.9 quantile of three day precipitation sums of a year. Time resolution: Annual
GeoSphere Austria | |
CCCA Data Centre | |
Benedikt Becsi
) Johannes Laimighofer (BOKU ) |
https://doi.org/10.60669/6ba1-wj94 | |
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 | |
15.05.2018 | |
19.12.2024 11:52 UTC | |
unbekannt | |
nie | |
Bounding Box: 46.3125 - 48.9822 °N, 9.3683 - 17.2506 °E | |
The data contained in this dataset was first published through the Climate Change Centre Austria Data Centre (CCCA-DC). Due to the decommissioning of the CCCA-DC, the data was transferred to the GeoSphere Austria Datahub in 2024. During the transfer, the granularity and structure of the metadata were adjusted in accordance with the dataset's authors to meet the requirements of the GeoSphere Austria Datahub. The data itself remained unchanged. For further inquiries, please contact datenzentrum@ccca.ac.at. | |
In CLIMA-MAP wird Kartenmaterial entwickelt, mit welchem mögliche Auswirkungen klimatischer Veränderungen auf geographische und soziale Aspekte in Regionen dargestellt werden. Diese Karten werden gemeinsam mit VertreterInnen ausgewählter österreichischer Gemeinden entwickelt, um sicherzustellen, dass sie den lokalen Bedürfnissen entsprechen und möglichst gut anwendbar sind. Sämtliche bei der Erstellung der Karten generierten Daten werden am Data Hub der GeoSphere Austria öffentlich verfügbar gemacht. Zur optimalen Verwendung der Daten wird vorgeschlagen, sich mit den Kontaktpersonen in Verbindung zu setzen. |