Additional models of the ENSEMBLES dataset have been bias corrected to expand the existing ÖKS15 models using the same methods (Bias corrected scaled distribution mapping) with data of the ENSEMBLES models Historical and future projection under the A1B scenario.
The data contains -Daily Maximum, Daily Minimum, Daily Mean Near-Surface Air Temperature bias corrected with observational data from Spartacus (ZAMG; Reference period: 1961-2005), -Global Radiation bias corrected with observational data from Global radiation dataset (ZAMG; Reference period: 1981-2005), -Daily Precipitation Amount bias corrected with observational data from GPARD (ZAMG; Reference period: 1961-2005).
The data have been corrected by means of the scaled distribution mapping (SDM), (Switanek et al., 2017,
Haftungsausschluss Der Datensatz ist für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Bildung freiverfügbar. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zu den Unsicherheiten und Limitierungen in den STARC-Impact Guidelines. Wir schlagen generell vor, dass Sie sich vor Nutzung der Daten mit Douglas Maraun (douglas.maraun[at] in Verbindung setzten, um den Datensatz optimal für Ihr Projekt nutzen zu können.
GeoSphere Austria | |
CCCA Data Centre | |
Thomas Mendlik
(Wegener Center)
Douglas Maraun |
| | |
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 | |
20.06.2018 | |
19.12.2024 11:56 UTC | |
01.01.1951 12:00 UTC | |
30.12.2100 12:00 UTC | |
täglich | |
nie | |
Bounding Box: 46.3125 - 48.9822 °N, 9.3683 - 17.2506 °E | |
The data contained in this dataset was first published through the Climate Change Centre Austria Data Centre (CCCA-DC). Due to the decommissioning of the CCCA-DC, the data was transferred to the GeoSphere Austria Datahub in 2024. During the transfer, the granularity and structure of the metadata were adjusted in accordance with the dataset's authors to meet the requirements of the GeoSphere Austria Datahub. The data itself remained unchanged. For further inquiries, please contact |